Hier zeigen wir, welcher Index im letzten Jahr das beste Chancen/Risiko-Profil hatte. Dafür analysieren wir, welche Performance der Index im letzten Jahr erzielt hat (Kursentwicklung + ggf. Ausschüttungen). Zur Beurteilung des Risikos schauen wir uns die Volatilität desselben Indexes für den gleichen Zeitraum an.

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Beste Chance/Risiko ETF

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nach SRRI
1 Jahr
1 Jahr
Sharpe Ratio
1 Jahr
MBI10 Indexn.an.a38.27%9.22%3.969
EQM NATO+ Future of Defence Index46n.a42.18%10.67%3.544
BET Indexn.an.a23.84%9.69%3.494
SBITOP Indexn.an.a37.61%11.17%3.372
STOXX Europe 600 Optimised Media Indexn.an.a28.45%7.91%3.234
STOXX Europe 600 Media Index11n.a28.04%8.26%3.100
Alerian Midstream Energy Dividend Index27n.a27.74%8.03%2.891
MSCI Malaysia Indexn.an.a27.09%7.17%2.868
MSCI India Index147n.a31.78%11.01%2.852
MarketVector Global Defense Industry Index28n.a48.50%14.39%2.793
Tipp: ETF auf diese Indizes für 0,00€ pro Order bei Scalable Broker handeln. Auch als gebührenfreier Sparplan. » Weitere Infos
FTSE India 30/18 Capped Index232n.a29.33%11.12%2.649
Solactive GBS United States Large & Mid Cap Indexn.a625.26%9.96%2.519
S&P 500 Quality, Value & Momentum Multi-Factor Indexn.an.a33.93%11.79%2.425
S&P Developed Ex-Korea LargeMidCap Sustainability Enhanced Financials Index (USD)204n.a31.82%11.14%2.421
S&P 500 Capped 35/20 Financials Index71n.a32.25%11.88%2.387
S&P Financials Select Sector Index71n.a32.19%11.86%2.387
MSCI World Financials Indexn.an.a31.47%11.22%2.382
STOXX Europe 600 Insurance Index31n.a29.65%9.38%2.334
BUX Indexn.an.a22.30%7.97%2.279
MSCI USA Minimum Volatility Index165n.a21.66%7.51%2.262
STOXX Europe 600 Optimised Insurance Indexn.an.a29.18%9.55%2.259
MSCI USA Financials Indexn.an.a32.47%12.61%2.240
S&P Developed Ex-Korea LargeMidCap Sustainability Enhanced Health Care Index (USD)110n.a15.92%7.91%2.210
MSCI Europe Health Care ESG Screened 20-35 Select Indexn.an.a16.47%9.31%2.206
MSCI Nordic Index82n.a21.00%10.12%2.197
S&P World ESG Enhanced Health Care Index165n.a33.09%12.34%2.159
LibertyQ Global Dividend Index102n.a24.32%8.80%2.130
Low Carbon 300 World PAB Indexn.an.a35.18%13.18%2.114
SG Global Income Index75n.a20.36%6.50%2.097
MSCI World Momentum Index349n.a37.69%14.63%2.084
MSCI Europe Momentum Index125n.a27.04%10.26%2.066
FTSE All Share ex IT ex CW ex TC ex REITS Dividend Growth with Quality Indexn.an.a33.73%12.52%2.045
MSCI World Communication Services Indexn.an.a31.56%11.81%2.038
MSCI ACWI Semiconductors & Semiconductor Equipment ESG Filtered Index70n.a69.65%28.93%2.037
LibertyQ European Dividend Index51n.a21.70%7.65%2.024
MSCI World Quality Low Carbon SRI Screened Select Indexn.an.a30.88%11.95%2.016
S&P 500 Minimum Volatility Index79n.a25.20%8.74%2.012
MSCI Europe High Dividend Yield Indexn.an.a20.93%8.20%2.000
MSCI Europe Minimum Volatility Index162n.a19.51%6.75%1.992
FTSE Developed Europe ex UK All Cap ex CW ex TC ex REITS Dividend Growth with Quality Indexn.an.a23.22%9.11%1.971
MSCI World Sector Neutral Quality Index299n.a27.71%10.75%1.965
MSCI World Minimum Volatility Low Carbon SRI Screened Select Indexn.an.a15.96%6.21%1.955
STOXX Europe 600 Banks Index48n.a32.02%16.30%1.939
MSCI World Minimum Volatility Index265n.a17.66%7.10%1.926
MSCI World Momentum Low Carbon SRI Screened Select Indexn.an.a33.56%14.12%1.926
S&P 500 Low Volatility Index100n.a19.58%6.30%1.923
S&P 500 Capped 35/20 Communication Services Index22n.a33.61%12.93%1.922
MSCI World Minimum Volatility USD Index265n.a17.60%7.09%1.919
STOXX Europe 600 Optimised Banks Indexn.an.a33.63%16.95%1.919
MSCI Europe Financials 20/35 Capped Index80n.a30.48%13.46%1.916
MSCI USA Sector Neutral Quality Index125n.a29.52%11.72%1.914
MSCI Europe Financials Capped 35/20 Index82n.a30.53%13.50%1.913
MSCI World Momentum ESG Reduced Carbon Target Select Index152n.a34.64%14.31%1.912
PX Indexn.an.a16.63%6.52%1.910
Solactive Eurozone Sustainability Indexn.an.a33.19%12.73%1.901
MSCI Europe Financials ESG Screened 20-35 Select Indexn.an.a31.49%13.64%1.895
S&P 500 Low Volatility High Dividend Index50n.a28.91%9.71%1.889
MSCI Europe Diversified Multiple-Factor Index162n.a25.51%10.40%1.888
S&P Communication Services Select Sector Daily Capped 25/20 Index22n.a28.29%11.02%1.883
S&P 500 Index555n.a28.37%11.01%1.877
STOXX Europe 600 Healthcare Index54n.a15.59%9.25%1.875
STOXX Europe 600 Health Care Index54n.a15.59%9.25%1.875
STOXX Europe 50 Index50n.a17.82%7.58%1.875
MSCI Europe ex EMU Index196n.a19.26%8.31%1.864
MSCI Europe Health Care Capped 35/20 Index41n.a15.06%9.38%1.861
DJ Global Titans 50 Index53n.a30.50%13.03%1.861
MSCI Europe Health Care 20/35 Capped Indexn.an.a15.04%9.39%1.859
Shiller Barclays CAPE Global Sector Indexn.an.a24.21%7.88%1.858
MSCI United Kingdom Index83n.a18.64%8.35%1.854
MSCI Europe Low Carbon SRI Leaders Indexn.an.a24.50%9.89%1.848
J.P. Morgan Diversified Factor Global Developed (Region Aware) Equity Index504n.a23.41%8.72%1.848
S&P 500 Capped 35/20 Consumer Staples Sector Index38n.a18.05%6.38%1.838
BNP Paribas Momentum Europe ESG Index63n.a27.70%11.24%1.834
MSCI World ex EMU Indexn.an.a25.63%10.17%1.833
MSCI World Minimum Volatility ESG Reduced Carbon Target Index220n.a18.73%7.27%1.831
MSCI USA Minimum Volatility ESG Reduced Carbon Target Index146n.a21.70%8.19%1.829
MSCI USA Momentum Index124n.a38.83%16.01%1.810
STOXX® Europe 600 SRI Index200n.a24.25%10.51%1.808
Solactive ISS ESG Nordic Investable Universe Net Zero Pathway Indexn.an.a33.47%16.95%1.808
MSCI USA Communication Services 20/35 Capped Custom Indexn.an.a32.03%12.93%1.804
FTSE North America Indexn.an.a27.99%11.29%1.802
MSCI USA Leveraged 2x Daily Indexn.an.a53.47%22.65%1.798
Morningstar US Target Market Exposure Index557n.a28.17%11.48%1.794
Solactive Core United States Large & Mid Cap Indexn.an.a28.24%11.54%1.793
MSCI Europe High Dividend Yield ESG Reduced Carbon Target Select Indexn.an.a23.88%9.58%1.792
S&P 500 ESG Leaders Index212n.a28.01%11.36%1.788
MSCI USA Large Cap Indexn.an.a27.96%11.64%1.787
FTSE UK Dividend+ Index51n.a25.76%12.62%1.783
MSCI World ex Europe Index1012n.a26.32%10.64%1.777
MSCI USA Select Dynamic 50% Risk Weighted Indexn.an.a22.40%7.93%1.777
MarketVector Global Video Gaming and eSports ESG Index25n.a43.88%13.98%1.775
Goldman Sachs ActiveBeta US Large Cap Equity Index441n.a27.49%11.44%1.773
MSCI Europe Communication Services Capped 35/20 Index22n.a22.16%9.27%1.766
STOXX Global Digital Entertainment and Education Index84n.a36.77%16.45%1.763
Solactive Core Developed Markets Large & Mid Cap Indexn.an.a25.53%10.48%1.760
S&P 500 Paris-Aligned Climate Sustainability Screened Index353n.a29.76%12.39%1.758
MSCI World EUR Indexn.an.a24.99%10.17%1.757
MSCI Taiwan 20/35 Custom Indexn.an.a34.78%17.41%1.756
FTSE Taiwan 30/18 Capped Indexn.an.a34.39%17.45%1.755
FTSE 100 Index100n.a20.12%8.59%1.754